Sunday, December 24, 2006

See, deadlifting is fun!

Highland Games 4th overall

My recent post on T-Nation

My limited knowledge of the whole "cholesterol issue" is this... High carb/sugar diets are very inflamatory to the arteries (high blood glucose/high insulin response). The body uses cholesterol to create a "band-aid" over the inflamed areas within the arteries. If you cause enough inflamation by eating junk or even many "healthy" foods/sugars, you build up too many cholesterol "band-aids" and start to clog the artery with what SHOULD be a harmless protective response. It's kinda like running through a thicket of thorn bushes. You get cut to shreds right? So you apply several band-aids on your wounds so they can heal. The problem occurs when you keep on running through the thorns and keep piling up the band-aids. Soon enough you appear to have a "band-aid issue" but the truth is you need to quit running through the thorn bushes (quit eating junk carbs). Doctors who advise patients to cut/medically reduce cholesterol levels equals them telling you to cut your band-aid usage. It's merely a RESULT not the cause. And from what I can see, rather harmful. Make any sense?